Friday, July 19, 2019

Prayerfully Keep Watch

Dear Heavenly Father,

I come to You in the soul-saving name of Your Son Jesus Christ, in humility and thanksgiving; thanking You for the opportunity to be called Sons of God. Thank You that the substitutionary price for my sins has been paid. A debt that I could not pay. Thank You for Your mercy and grace that allows me to stand here today communing with You, honoring You, being able to worship You as the Creator and Giver of Life. You are the only one worthy of worship; You are the Eternal and all-seeing God, El Roi. You are the Beginning and the End, there is none before You, and there will be none after You. I pray for humility and discipline that I might continue to follow You like a good representative. You are the Lord of Host, the Holy One of Israel, and I seek to please You like a good soldier.  I will stay alert keeping watch at all times, praying that I may be accounted worthy to escape all of the things that are about to come to pass. I pray that Your light shines brightly through me that others may come to know You as Father and accept the Salvation available to through the blood shed on the cross. Thank You for my health, my life, for every breath that I breathe. I pray earnestly for the political leaders, the spiritual leaders, the education leaders, and every person that has influence over people that they receive Your Word, rightly dividing it and use it for reproof, for correction in righteousness like it is designed to be used. Thank You for the laborers and the martyrs that continue to spread the Gospel unto all the uttermost parts of the earth. I pray many blessings into their lives and their families lives. I pray having an earnest expectation for the work that You are doing here locally and universally so that all have an opportunity to repent. I will forever give You all the glory, all the honor, and all the praise, praying in the mighty name of Jesus,
~ Amen

 Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man. - Luke 21:36

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