Dear Heavenly Father,
I come to You in the demon-terrorizing name of Your Son Jesus Christ, with all humility and thanksgiving. Father God, I thank You for being here with me always allowing me to be comforted and satisfied. You are fully self-aware, and You share with me who You are so that I can be a witness of Your supreme being. You are self-determined there is nothing that makes You do or be anything, You do whatever You want to whoever You wish to, and You do it according to Your supreme nature. You have infinite intelligence; there is nothing that You don't see or know, nothing surprises You. Your character is whole and complete, there are not words enough to express Your goodness. You are Holy. Thank You for continuing to reveal Yourself to me. Father, You continue to show me in Your Word aspect of Yourself and explaining to me how to live a full and prosperous life. It is because of the blessings You have given to me that causes me to give cheerfully. Your Word tells me that in whatever measure that I shall give I shall receive and I have found this to be true. If I plant only a few seeds, I will have a minimal harvest. If I sow bountifully, I shall also reap bountifully, but I give not because of the blessings I will get, but because of the gratefulness in my heart for all that You have done for me and that You continually do for me, my friends, and my family. Thank You for this opportunity to begin to understand passions and enthusiasm. You Word clearly dictates the appetites that we should have, and I am open to learning what they are. Thank You for pouring out Your wisdom so that I can grow in You daily. And I will continually give You all glory, all honor, and all the praise forever and ever.
~ Amen
But this I say: He who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and he who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. Let every man give according to the purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or out of necessity, for God loves a cheerful giver. - 2nd Corinthians 9:6-7
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