Dear Heavenly Father,
I come to You in the affirming, faithful, and life-giving name of Your Son Jesus Christ, thanking You for all that You are doing in and through my life. Thanking You for your provision and providence, thanking You for wisdom and instruction and Your continual guidance. Thank You that anytime I need to talk, You are there, anytime I need to cry You are there when I need a reason to rejoice You're still right there, and when I need peace, You're there. You are everything I need whenever I need it, You are my all-sufficiency. There's nothing, no one, nor any imagined thing that compares to You. Thank You for being God. I want to learn how to give up my life to know You better, encourage my faith? I want to live my life in a way that honors and glorifies Your magnificent works. Teach me in the ways of righteousness so that I might be an example to the generations that follow. Share with me more of Your word than I have experienced thus far so that I can do what is right. I put my flesh under subjection, I say no to unbalanced desires that please my natural man and feed the real me on the inside. You give strength and life and wisdom and direction to the real me, my spirit longs for more of You. Your Word is full of instruction and commandments and tells us to do good works. You also said in Your Word that he who knows what to do but doesn’t do it is sinning. I don't want to live a life of sin or another moment in sin, so thank You for remaining present in my life. I pray that the thoughts that I have please You, and the words that I speak please You, and the actions that I take please You; You sent Your Word into the world to instruct us, and I will study to show myself approved and to glorify You in all it is that I do. Thank You for what You are doing and thank You for all that You have done, but most importantly thank You for who You are in my Life.
~ Amen
Therefore, to him who knows to do good and does not do it, it is sin. - James 4:17
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