Friday, March 29, 2019

A Righteous Prayer

Dear Heavenly Father,

I come to you in the miracle-working Name of Jesus, full of thanksgiving and humility. Thanking You for all it is that You are doing in and through my life, but mostly for who You are in My Life. You are my solid foundation, My rock, my Righteousness, and my Salvation, The Holy One of Israel, You are God all by yourself, and there is none else, no one, nothing can compare to Your beauty and your magnitude, words cannot express how magnificent You are, because you are Holy, You’re in a class all by Yourself. Thank You for being God. Lord, I pray that you continue to guide me in the way that I should go, keeping my paths upright and virtuous in Your sight. Giving me the courage to speak and act with integrity in all situations and circumstances. I thank You for causing me to overcome all adversity in righteousness and free from immorality.  It is Your Spirit that lives and dwells with me, chastening me and giving me the correction needed to be successful in my walk. I will continue in the Victory that you provide me through the shed blood, the precious blood of Jesus Christ on Calvary. Thank you, and I give you all glory, all honor, and all praise forever and ever.
~ Amen

Righteousness keeps him who is upright in the way,
but wickedness overthrows the sinner. - Proverbs 13:6

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