Tuesday, August 6, 2019

God is the Light on the Other side of the Darkness

Dear Heavenly Father,

I come to You in the unchanging, faithful, and trustworthy name of Your Son Jesus Christ. Thank You for the love, mercy, strength, and grace that is only found in You. Thank You for all that you are doing, have done, and are about to do in my life. You are my God and my Friend, and I can come to You for the things that I desire, or I can come to You for comfort. I can call out to You in times of trouble, and I can seek You for wisdom. You are all that I need, in every situation and at any moment. I sing Your praises in the noonday, and I will sing them in the morning, I will sing Your praises in the evening, there is no time that I won't sing praises to Your name. It is in You that I live and Your Grace is sufficient; it is when I am weak that the power is made perfect. Therefore will I boast rather most gladly in my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me (2nd Cor. 12:9). You will not forsake me, nor will I be condemned when You judge me. I am not sufficient by myself, but in You, there is an overflow of abundance. In this life, there will be persecutions and tribulations, but I can do all things through Christ, which strengtheneth me. You are my light in the darkness, and my joy in distress, Your glory surrounds me, and Your peace encompasses me. I pray for the lost to be saved and the broken to become whole in You, I pray that the darkness is halted and that Your marvelous light is glorified in the lives of those who don't know You. I thank You for hearing my prayers and for Your magnificent Word that encourages and teaches me so that I can stand up and be the person You have created me to be. I will always give You all the glory, all the honor, and all the praise in the mighty name of Jesus,
~ Amen

 We are troubled on every side, yet not distressed; we are perplexed, but not in despair;  persecuted, but not forsaken; cast down, but not destroyed - 2nd Corinthians 4:8-9

Monday, August 5, 2019

Standing Together with those Affected by Wickedness

Dear Heavenly Father,

I come to You in the demon-terrorizing name of Your Son Jesus Christ, thank You for the salvation, favor, and righteousness that I have in You. Thank You for the wisdom, knowledge, and understanding that is available in You. Thank You for the unfailing love, unchanging truth, and the unmerited grace that only comes from You. There is healing, safety, and provision found in You, You are Divine Providence; perfect, whole, and complete, there is nothing nor anyone that compares to You. I pray that I conduct myself in a manner that is worthy of the gospel of Christ, demonstrating courage and strength in faith always. Shine Your light through me so that those that are being deceived by the dark and wicked powers of this world may see Your glory. Help me to demonstrate the forgiveness and generosity that confirms I am a citizen of You Kingdom. I pray that all whom I have an opportunity to interact with that they are encouraged and lifted up because I speak Your words, and walk according to Your Spirit, and in You light. I pray for all the people affected by any form of terrorism, hate, or any type of violence. I pray for the families affected by the current acts of wickedness that are happening in this world. Father, reign down on them and give them strength as they mourn their loved ones. We stand united in one heart, and one soul in unity against all of the heinous and sick things that the ruler of this world has been doing. We release the power that is found in the name of Your Son, Jesus who is the Christ, our salvation, righteousness, and deliverer, that the responsible parties be brought to justice and that all who played a role of spreading this distention and continual hate be found out. I will forever give You all the glory, all the honor, and all the praise forever and ever, praying in the matchless and miracle-working name of Christ Jesus,
~ Amen 

 All the believers were of one heart and one soul, and no one said that what he possessed was his own. But to them all things were in common.- Acts 4:32

Thursday, August 1, 2019

There is Peace in Unity

Dear Heavenly Father,

I come to You in the life-sanctifying, peace-giving, righteousness bearing name of Your Son Jesus Christ. Thank You for the numerous benefits that come from accepting the adoption into Your family and the undeniable joy, peace, and love found in You. You are my strength and my breakthrough, it is You that directs and carries me through all tribulation. You are my hiding place and my refuge, there is surety, comfort, and safety found in You. You have predestined a future for me full of peace and hope; I can pray to You and You will reveal to me the unknown secrets of life and purpose. Your glory is immeasurable, all honor belongs to You. Thank You for the access granted to me through faith, that allows entrance to walk in the fullness of life and godliness. You have been instructing me about unity and harmony and how they lead to powerful manifestations and life everlasting. Where there is no strife and contention, there will be abundance, prosperity, and peace. I pray that the needed humility and understanding overwhelm me to the point where I remain in Your perfection. I pray that the Spirit of the bond of Peace keeps me in harmony. And unity with those in my inner circle and those who come into contact with us. Thank You for hearing my prayers, and I will always give You all the glory, all the honor, and all the praise, praying in the matchless, miracle-working name of Your Son Jesus Christ, 
~ Amen 

Behold, how good and how pleasant it is
for brothers to dwell together in unity! - Psalm 133:1

God is the Light on the Other side of the Darkness

Dear Heavenly Father, I come to You in the unchanging, faithful, and trustworthy name of Your Son Jesus Christ. Thank You for the love, m...